
About me

Hello there. My name’s Rachel and I am amongst others, a mother of a bubbly 2-year-old girl and an enthusiast baker.

My raison d’être in writing this blog is none other than to document my kitchen experiences and to share the lovely joy of cooking and eating. These experiences may sound obvious or clichéd, and nothing special as you may say. But to me, an amateur chef, they represent my (steep) learning curve and progress. In addition to my kitchen experiences, I will also document some random thoughts as they cross my mind from time to time.

All the recipes here have been home tested in my modest kitchen and using basic kitchen gadgets. A red Kitchen Aid and red Le Creuset french oven are both on my wishlist. Until then, my more than 10-year-old Kenwood Chef (which I conveniently ‘inherited’ from my mom) is still in excellent form (although it did give up on me once when I was in the midst of whipping up some egg whites). After a routine service, it is now working as good as new.

Many people play a part in this blog. Foremost, my mom and her invaluable insights. Secondly, my family, good friends and colleagues who often double up as guinea pigs. I am grateful and thank you all for your honest opinions and feedback. Finally, a big thank you goes to my special friend, E, whose greedy interest helped to develop the idea for this blog and sustain its continuity :P.

Happy reading and happy experimenting! And remember, if I, in my naivety and amateurish ways can produce such yummy eats, so can you.

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