
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Orange Cotton Cheesecake

As I have mentioned previously, every once in awhile, I would rummage through my fridge for a stock clearance exercise.  This time round, I found two unopened blocks of cream cheese.  Two cream cheese at one go is perhaps a bit too indulgent, not to mention, overkill whatever weight loss (or the lack of it) that I have achieved thus far.  As such, I decided to spread the calories, and keep one block for the not-too-distant future :).

This recipe is obtained from Agnes Chang's I Can Bake.  The resultant cheesecake is so fluffy and soft, that I deformed parts of it while unmoulding it from the pan. I like anything that spells cheese, but if you are one that does not like too creamy or rich a cheesecake, this is for you.

You will need:
250 g cream cheese
220 ml fresh milk
100 g butter

70 g plain flour, sifted
20 g corn flour, sifted
60 g castor sugar
6 egg yolks
Grated rind and squeezed juice from 1 orange

6 egg whites
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
60 g castor sugar

Preheat oven to 150 deg Celsius.

Put cream cheese and milk into a double boiler.  Double boil until the cheese has melted.  Remove from heat, add butter and stir until the butter has melted.  Leave aside to cool.

Add A into cooled cream cheese mixture and stir well to form a batter.

Whisk B until soft peak, and fold into cream cheese mixture.

Line the bottom of a 10 cm square pan with parchment. Pour cake mixture into the pan.  Put pan into a larger roasting pan filled with hot water.  Steam bake for 1.5 hours until golden brown and cooked.

Remove from oven, invert cake onto cake rack, and leave to cool completely.

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