
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Raisin Wheel

I think I am in trouble.  I seem to be keeping a baker's hours.  Since last week, I have been waking up in the wee hours of the morning, contemplating to bake something.  Yikes.

Two nights ago was no different. I woke up at 2 am, and since I was wide awake, I decided to give this recipe from Magic Bread by Alex Goh, a headstart, as it requires a gelatinized dough and an overnight sponge dough.  The gelatinized dough needs to be made ahead and refridgerated for at least 12 hours, and the overnight sponge dough needs an overnight proofing, before usage.  Both these dough are supposed to produce softer bread.

I was going to make this early last night, but I fell asleep while putting my girl to bed, and again, woke up at 1 am.  Since I had already prepared the gelatinized dough and overnight sponge dough earlier, I decided to go ahead.  By the time I finished, it was already almost 4 am (By the way, I also made some more banana cupcakes for my nieces and nephews during the dough proofing stage to kill time).

The results ? This gelatinized dough method is worth planning ahead for.  The raisin wheel was delicious in that "I know its 3 a.m. and its carbs, but I am so gonna eat these now" way. It was totally worth the panda eyes this morning :)

You will need:

Overnight sponge dough:
50 g bread flour
30 g water at room temperature
1/8 tsp instant yeast

Gelatinized dough:
47 g bread flour
33 g boiling water

107 g bread flour
47 g plain flour
3 g instant yeast
3 g salt
27 g sugar
7 g milk powder

50 g overnight sponge dough
40 g egg
47 g cold water

All of the gelatinized dough as above

30 g butter, with extra to grease the tube pan

150 g raisins

For the overnight sponge dough, mix yeast with 10 g of water until well combined.  Add in the remaining ingredients and mix to form a dough.  Let proof for 30 minutes.  Cling wrap and keep in the refridgerator overnight, or up to 48 hours.

For the gelatinized dough, mix the ingredients until well blended to form a dough.  Cover and set aside to cool.  Refridgerate for at least 12 hours.
For the dough, mix ingredients A until well combined.  Add in ingredients B and knead to form a rough dough.

Add in the ingredients C and then D, kneading in between each addition. Continue to knead until the dough is smooth and elastic.  Finally add in E, and knead in until well incorporated into the dough.  Let proof until double in size, usually about 1 hour.

Generously grease the tube pan (11 cm in diameter x 21 cm long) with butter.

Remove dough to a lightly floured surface.  Punch down.  Mould into round, and let it rest for 10 minutes.

Roll out the dough flat about 6 mm thick and 18 cm long.  Brush the dough with some water and roll it up swiss roll style.  Place the dough into the pan, and let it proof for another 50 minutes or until dough in size. 

Cover the mould, and baked in preheated oven at 200 deg Celsius for about 25 minutes.

P/S:  Kitchen's closed tonight, and I am hoping for a good night sleep.  Wish me luck :)